MakAir Firmware
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 activation.hBreathing activation related functions
 alarm.hDescribe an alarm and handle its dynamic state
 alarm_controller.hCore logic to manage alarm features
 battery.hBattery related functions
 blower.hTools to control the blower
 buzzer.hBuzzer related functions
 buzzer_control.hAbstraction to switch buzzer ON or OFF
 calibration.hCalibration related functions
 config.hMain configuration
 cpu_load.hA CPU load estimation
 cycle.hStatic data linked to the breathing cycle
 debug.hDebug helpers
 eeprom.hI2C eeprom management
 end_of_line_test.hAuto test for end of line unit test
 keyboard.hAnalog buttons related functions
 main_controller.hCore logic to control the breathing cycle
 main_state_machine.hMain state machine
 mass_flow_meter.hMass flow meter management
 parameters.hVarious settings
 pc_ac_controller.hPID for AC pressure control
 pc_cmv_controller.hPID for CMV pressure control
 pc_vsai_controller.hPID for VSAI pressure control
 pressure.hPressure sensor
 pressure_utl.hPressure computing utility function
 pressure_valve.hTools to control pressure valves
 rpi_watchdog.hWatchdog for the Raspberry PI
 screen.hDisplay and LCD screen related functions
 serial_control.hHandle control protocol on the serial input
 telemetry.hImplementation of the telemetry protocol
 vc_ac_controller.hPID for AC volume control
 vc_cmv_controller.hPID for Volume control
 ventilation_controller.hAbstract class for ventilation controllers
 activation.cppBreathing activation related functions
 alarm.cppDescribes an alarm and handle its dynamic state
 alarm_controller.cppCore logic to manage alarm features
 battery.cppBattery related functions
 blower.cppTools to control the blower
 buzzer.cppBuzzer related functions
 buzzer_control.cppAbstraction to switch buzzer ON or OFF
 calibration.cppCalibration of the ventilator
 cpu_load.cppA CPU load estimation
 eeprom.cppI2C eeprom management
 end_of_line_test.cppAuto test for end of line unit test
 keyboard.cppButtons related functions
 main_controller.cppCore logic to control the breathing cycle
 main_state_machine.cppAuto test for end of line unit test
 mass_flow_meter.cppMass Flow meter management
 pc_ac_controller.cppPID for CMV pressure control
 pc_cmv_controller.cppPID for CMV pressure control
 pc_vsai_controller.cppPID for VSAI pressure control
 pressure.cppPressure sensor related functions
 pressure_utl.cppPressure computing utility function
 pressure_valve.cppTools to control Pressure Valves
 respirator.cppEntry point of ventilator program
 rpi_watchdog.cppWatchdog for the Raspberry PI
 screen.cppDisplay and LCD screen related functions
 serial_control.cppHandle control protocol on the serial input
 sysclock.cppSysclock configuration
 telemetry.cppImplementation of the telemetry protocol
 vc_ac_controller.cppPID for AC volume control
 vc_cmv_controller.cppPID for VC_CMV control
 test_pressure.cppUnit tests for pressure.cpp