16 #include "../includes/alarm.h"
Priority levels of an alarm.
bool isTriggered() const
True if the number of detections is equal or above the detection threshold, false otherwise.
bool m_enabled
Whether or not this alarm is enabled.
uint8_t m_detectionThreshold
Alarm detection threshold.
void disable()
Disable this alarm.
AlarmPriority m_priority
Alarm priority.
uint32_t m_cyclesSinceTrigger
Number of cycles since the alarm was triggered.
void detected(uint32_t p_cycleNumber)
If the alarm is detected, it increments the number of detection until the detection threshold.
uint8_t m_detectionNumber
Number of detections.
Alarm(AlarmPriority p_priority, uint8_t p_code, uint8_t p_detectionThreshold)
Parameterized constructor.
void notDetected()
Reset to zero the number of detection.
AlarmPriority getPriority() const
Get the alarm priority.
void enable()
Enable this alarm.
uint8_t getCode() const
Get the alarm code.
uint8_t m_code
Alarm code.
uint32_t getCyclesSinceTrigger() const
Get the number of cycles since the alarm was triggered.
bool isEnabled()
True if this alarm is enabled.
uint32_t m_cycleNumber
Cycle number.