MakAir Firmware
CActivationController | Controls breathing activation ON/OFF state |
CAlarm | Describe an alarm and handle its dynamic state |
CAlarmController | Manage alarm features |
CAlarms | List of alarms (named by their code) |
CBlower | Controls a blower |
CEolTest | Controls the running of the embedded auto tests |
CMainController | Controls breathing cycle |
CMainStateMachine | Main state machine |
CPC_AC_Controller | Controller for the AC mode |
CPC_CMV_Controller | Controller for the CMV mode |
CPC_VSAI_Controller | Controller for the VSAI mode |
CPressionTest | Test Fixture to test the pression file |
CPressureSensor | Offset aware reading class for the pressure sensor |
CPressureValve | Controls a pressure valve |
CRpiWatchdog | Watchdog for the Raspberry PI |
CVC_AC_Controller | Controller for the AC mode |
CVC_CMV_Controller | Controller for the Volume Controled mode |
CVentilationController | Abstract class for ventilation controllers |