MakAir Firmware
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CActivationControllerControls breathing activation ON/OFF state
 CAlarmDescribe an alarm and handle its dynamic state
 CAlarmControllerManage alarm features
 CAlarmsList of alarms (named by their code)
 CBlowerControls a blower
 CEolTestControls the running of the embedded auto tests
 CMainControllerControls breathing cycle
 CMainStateMachineMain state machine
 CPC_AC_ControllerController for the AC mode
 CPC_CMV_ControllerController for the CMV mode
 CPC_VSAI_ControllerController for the VSAI mode
 CPressionTestTest Fixture to test the pression file
 CPressureSensorOffset aware reading class for the pressure sensor
 CPressureValveControls a pressure valve
 CRpiWatchdogWatchdog for the Raspberry PI
 CVC_AC_ControllerController for the AC mode
 CVC_CMV_ControllerController for the Volume Controled mode
 CVentilationControllerAbstract class for ventilation controllers